Monday, May 6, 2013

Real Kettle Corn

Oh my goodness, we were at the ball field this last weekend and there was a man that set up to cook Kettle Corn.  I have never seen it cooked like this in my life.  

 I almost walked away without purchasing any but then he let me have a taste of the fresh real kettle corn.  If you EVER get the chance to try some of this for a treat (every once in awhile) you will not regret it at all.  

I don't say eat it all the time since it is NOT healthy but it was a special treat.  Take a look at what it looked like being cooked.

They start with corn oil and wait for it to heat up.

Then they add the popcorn.
They add sugar to the pot once it starts to pop. 

When done they dump it into the bin, add salt  and stir to cool.  It is then bagged.
Oh My Goodness it was so Good.


So if you ever get the chance to try this at a park or fair give it a try.  It was so good!!!

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